Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Trip to Portland

I had my older daughter fly to San Jose as it only cost around 89 dollars one way to get there from Portland a couple of weeks ago. I picked her up at the airport and took her home to see her sister and mother. The next day we drove to Mt. Shasta and the next morning we went up to lower Sand Flats Road after noticing Bunny Flats was really full of climbers getting ready to climb the mountain with backpacks, crampons, and ice axes and snowshoes.

Since we just were looking for a spiritual connection with the mountain and not also trying to climb it we went to Lower Sand Flats Road where we knew no one likely would be this time of year. We were able to drive up about one block on the dirt road before we came to a 3 foot deep snow drift which made us stop my 4 wheel drive truck and park.

At this point since I was wearing crocs and realized I hadn't brought hiking shoes with me only dress shoes besides two pairs of Crocs for comfort. I wore my blue pair of Crocs over the snow which meant that whenever I reached a patch of warm ground I kicked my Crocs off to get the snow out of them. So, it was a challenge to see whether I would get frostbite or reach Sand Flats up the road first. Luckily, I reached Sand Flats instead of getting frostbite on my toes first. However, I was surprised because I expected Sand Flats snow to be mostly melted off. But then I realized that there were no trees in Sand Flats because it is sort of like a Dry Lake area where no trees grow like where a Lake has dried up or something there. So, because it was completely covered with snow still I got a really beautiful view of snow covered Mt. Shasta and some good pictures of my daughter and she took some of me there as well.

But, the reason I'm writing this was I experienced a major change in Consciousness there. We both had what you could call a spiritual experience or some might call it a UFO experience there. I noticed I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye but then when I looked straight at it I could see nothing. But, I noticed the complete rest of the time I was traveling to Portland I was in a completely different state of consciousness than I had been in the previous 6 months ago or more since I returned from Hawaii in October 2012. It was like I was reborn and suddenly felt empowered like I felt in my early 30s once again. I could attribute it to finally experiencing the full freedom of stopping eating all Gluten foods which I had found I was allergic to but my experience was of being reborn while walking up to Sand Flats and being given by God a whole new life where I felt like I was in my early 30s once again (I'm 65) where I feel good, empowered and capable of anything. Amazing!

I have grown used to this "Lazarus or Regeneration" type of  experiences ever since I was 2 years old when Archangel Michael and his band of Angels appeared to me and healed me from the whooping cough I was dying from then. That is why I see my life as a life of Miracles. Because they began when I was 2 and have continued ever since.

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