Monday, May 20, 2013

Preventing PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder often is caused by witnessing some kind of human carnage and made worse if it is something that happens to you, a close friend, a relative, a child or someone innocent that this happens to.

So, if you want to prevent the type of mental and emotional illness that comes from PTSD, one of the ways is to avoid horrific situations in your life, especially wars or warlike situations.

Many people when young might think they are invincible. In World War I young men aged 17 made ideal fighter pilots, but in the end for every 1 that survived that war 10 or more died. Because war isn't safe and neither were fighter planes then. But that attitude of testosterone and invincibility led to their deaths.

PTSD also takes someone away from normalcy because it is something that affects people on a subconscious level. Often young soldiers throughout their lives live and relive horrific events that happen to them at unexpected times. Joke situations were woven into movies a lot in the 1970s and before because of scary real incidents with PTSD victims who were soldiers in the Viet Nam War. Humor was a way to survive that which was too horrific to deal with otherwise for the victim or their families and friends.

But, for people over 30 or 40 PTSD is likely a no brainer and most of them realize to get this mental and emotional disorder is basically the end of their working career and often the end of their marriages and relationships with family and friends. Many who got  PTSD are still wandering the streets talking to themselves from the Viet Nam War and the Iraq War and the war in Afghanistan. So, if you want to prevent PTSD don't go into wartime situations because if you do you have more to lose than your limbs, you could also lose your mind which is something you need to work, to be with your family, and to properly raise your kids.

Many soldiers down through the centuries have seen becoming a soldier as a potential way to commit suicide with potential glory as well. However, that is an idealistic way to look at soldiering. The reality often is much different than you might idealize it to be. So, if you want to avoid PTSD don't go into battlefront situations as a soldier or a reporter if you want your emotions and mind to stay normal.

We all have to make choices in life but with enough information sometimes we can make better choices for our lives and our futures.

Because for most people once they get PTSD they have to live with it until they die of old age.

Note: My wife wanted me to share with you that this is only really useful where there are only volunteer armies like in the U.S. For example, if you are in a place like Syria right now preventing becoming a member of the walking wounded might not be possible unless you leave Syria to better protect your minds and sensibilities and lives.

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