Sunday, May 5, 2013

Life and Death is the Same?

Tonight I was reading about how 50 something men have increased their suicides by 48% since around 2007. It got me to thinking about that. I didn't quote the article that goes with it because I don't want to encourage more men over 50 to join the ones already gone.

I thought back to when I was the most suicidal as an adult between the ages of 21 to 23 or 24 and thought of how God had come to me and said something like, "Life and Death are the Same". At the time since I was an intuitive anyway my thought was "If life and death are the same" then maybe I should try to stick around and help God help life here on Earth. Around that same time I also was leaving the Earth and going other places soul traveling and I finally got to the place where I realized that God had given me a body here on earth and if I didn't take care of it it wasn't going to stay alive. So, I realized it was up to me to take care of the body God had given me for some purpose. This sort of became a discipline for me and kept me going. Then at 25 my live in Girl Friend got pregnant and I stayed alive to raise my son. Then at 29 my then wife and I broke up and divorced and I was a single Dad. And on and on. So, now I have 3 kids biologically, two step kids and two God Daughters. And have been happily married this time since 1995(almost 20 years now). So, I don't think about suicide and haven't really since my son was born. But, I'm sort of glad now that I had those times to get to know God and myself better to become stronger. Without God facing suicide might make some people weaker. But in my case when I look around me because of God in my life I'm usually one of the most emotionally and physically strong people in any room I'm in. And I don't take credit for that. I give all credit to God. Because each of us lives each moment only by God's Grace. And I find great peace in that. To me, life and death are the same because either place I'm with God.

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