Friday, May 24, 2013

Gluten Free Macaroon cookies

Lately I have been struggling a little staying gluten free. I'm beginning to miss pizzas from the best pizza place in my area and stuff like that. One good thing is I still can eat popcorn at the theaters when I watch movies but can't eat Nachos because is usually some gluten in the chips. But today, my wife bought some Gluten Free Macaroon cookies from a nearby french bakery that are really amazing. So, just when things look a little difficult diet wise sometimes things start looking up. I still would rather feel like I'm about 30 rather than feel like I'm 90 and ready to die because I'm still a healthy 65 (relatively speaking) that can still ride a motorcycle, ski, ride a bicycle and travel all over the earth. So, if you have to go gluten free too I understand and look for those gluten free macaroons at French bakeries and all the good gluten free foods and breads at Whole Foods Stores across the U.S.

Also, a hint would be most Whole Foods Stores that carry Gluten free Bread keep them in the freezers for freshness and you can either keep them frozen too and pop a piece in the toaster when you want it or whatever. So, enjoy feeling good if you have to be gluten free in order to feel healthy and young once again.

I'm finding that even people who aren't allergic to gluten reduce their pain in their bodies over 40 just by cutting out gluten from their diets because it has a tendency to cause inflammation in everyone's body to some degree or another. So, reducing or eliminating gluten might allow you to lose weight and to be pain free because your inflammations throughout your body might reduce a lot.

But from a life long pasta lover like me it is difficult to give up pasta made from wheat. But you can also get pasta made from rice flour but it doesn't stay together as well long term as wheat based pasta does. So, you have to treat it different when you use it and store it made. But gluten free pasta exists and so do gluten free pizza crusts like the one's you can get from Amy's Pizzas (gluten free) on the label at Whole Foods Markets and some other health food stores.

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