Friday, May 10, 2013

Brain Replacement?

I was writing 2040 the other day and looked into the future and saw brain replacement as likely outcome of science by then.

However, today as I thought about all the physiological and psychological problems to be overcome I realized the most difficult one would be psychological. For example, all a persons memories are stored in their brain from conception. So, when you took that brain away and gave them a new grown brain from their dna no memories would be there at all. So, it might be necessary for the old brain to be kept alive so the new brain could refer to it to take on some of the memories from that old brain if possible. Otherwise, the new brain would be sort of like a newly conceived baby and the person would have to grow up again (which for some people could be quite fun) but also a pain for everyone else who knew the full adult they once were.

Another thing I was thinking about is that a person is the awareness of their brains but also the awareness of all the cells in their bodies. For example, as an intuitive I believe I rely as much upon cellular awareness of all the cells in my body and senses beyond the normal 5 most people tune into when I get information from the past, present and future. What any human being is capable of is actually beyond any quantifying measurement system now existent or ever will be.

So, though brain replacement will be possible soon, learning to deal with it for the person who has it done and for family and friends might be difficult until more is learned about it through actually doing it by doctors and scientists.

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